Wednesday 25 January 2012


Electronic Focusing Eyewear

PixelOptics claims to have developed the first electronic focusing eyewear. A touch of the temple or tilt of the head activates a layer of liquid crystals in each lens, instantly creating a near-focus zone. emPower! Not only gives you control over your vision, it also provides wider fields of view and less distortion than progressives.

The technology used is similar to that used in LCD televisions. Each of the lenses in emPower! Features a virtually invisible layer of liquid crystals that instantly adjusts and provides the user with a near-focus zone. The zones can be activated in two modes-manual and automatic. In manual mode, a touch of the temple triggers the near-focus zone, while another touch turns it off. A swipe of the temple activates the automatic mode, so the near focus zone turns on and off in response to up and down movements of the user’s head. A portable charger lets the user power emPower! For two-three days with a single charge.

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