Sunday 23 October 2011


Till now LED's were used only for the purpose of illumination. But now Harald Haas, a professor of engineering at Edinburgh University, has discovered how LEDs can serve as wireless Internet access points. Car headlights, street lamps or any other lighting device used for communication by a a new networking technology named "Li-Fi".

Haas' D-Light system uses a mathematical trick called orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing, which allows it to vary the intensity of the LED's output at a very fast rate, invisible to the human eye. The signal can be picked up by simple receivers.

As of now, the system has achieved data rates of upto 10Mbps(faster than a typical broadband connection), which is expected to reach 100Mbps by the end of this year.

Matteo Mariantoni and his team of scientists at the University of California, Santa Barbara, have combined a quantum processor with memory mechanism on a single chip. The quantum integrated circuit implements the quantum von Neumann architecture. In this architecture, a long-lived quantum random-access memory can be programmed using a quantum central processing unit, all constructed on a single chip, providing the key components for a quantum version of a classical computer.

The hardware is based on super-conducting quantum circuits, and must be cooled to very low temperatures to display quantum behaviour. The architecture represents a new paradigm in quantum information processing, and shows that quantum large scale integration within reach.

The quantum integrated circuit includes two quantum bits(qubits), a quantum communication bus, two bits of quantum memory and a resetting register comprising a simple quantum computer. The architecture explores the possibiltyof writing quantum information to memory, while simultaneously performing other calculations.

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